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The e-commerce.

Form Not Working Properly


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In checkout_success.php I have included a form that is used for buyers to sign up for a newsletter. When the submit button is clicked it sends them to the store index page instead of to the URL in the action command.

This does not make sense. Any ideas?



<h3><?php echo TEXT_THANKS_FOR_SHOPPING; ?></h3></td>



<td> <div class="newsletter_button"><br />

<form name="form1" method="post" action="http://emailer.emailroi.com/multisubscribe.ice">

<input type=text name="Email" size=20 maxlength=120 value="enter email" style="margin-left: 18px"onFocus="if(this.value=='enter email')this.value='';">

<input name="Submit" type="image" value=img src="../images/newsletter_submit.jpg" >


<input type=hidden name="username" value="robinryan">

<input type=hidden name="list1" value="Subscriber">

<input type=hidden name="mandatory" value="Email">

<input type=hidden name="thankyou_message" value="../newsletter_thankyou.htm">

<input type=hidden name="trigger" value="Subscriber_autoresponder">




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In checkout_success.php I have included a form that is used for buyers to sign up for a newsletter. When the submit button is clicked it sends them to the store index page instead of to the URL in the action command.

This does not make sense. Any ideas?

I should mention that when I move my cursor over the submit buutton it shows teh following URL:


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I tested the newsletter signup form on a product page. When you click submit it takes you to the shopping cart and places the product in the shopping cart.


So, what is happening is that instead of reading the form action for the submit button, oscommerce is assuming that you are clicking the submit button of the oscommerce page. Is there anyway to get around this?

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you probably left the other form in there too binded with the submit button. And you don't create forms like this. You should use the tep_ osc functions.

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you probably left the other form in there too binded with the submit button. And you don't create forms like this. You should use the tep_ osc functions.


The following is the code that I use for this newsletter subscription throughout my site outside of the store. How would I use this form using tep_osc function-have no idea what to do.


<form name="form1" method="post" action="http://emailer.emailroi.com/multisubscribe.ice">

<input type=text name="Email" size=20 maxlength=120 value="enter email" style="margin-left: 18px"onFocus="if(this.value=='enter email')this.value='';">

<input name="Submit" type="image" value=img src="../images/newsletter_submit.jpg" >


<input type=hidden name="username" value="robinryan">

<input type=hidden name="list1" value="Subscriber">

<input type=hidden name="mandatory" value="Email">

<input type=hidden name="thankyou_message" value="../newsletter_thankyou.htm">

<input type=hidden name="trigger" value="Subscriber_autoresponder">


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see how the tep_draw.....functions are used in the osc files. The process html elements and emit html code.


tep_draw_form is used for forms. The checkout_success.php uses it already. You cannot nest forms.

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