snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 ok guys, I have learned some html editing and have successfully added some products to my store, thanks for all your help guys, i didn't go down the route of a wysiwyg html editor. I really need one bit of help, i am trying to add a product video to my store, i have embedded the macromedia flash player html code now i need to enter the url of where the video is being hosted, now this in not on my side, it's actually on my wholesalers website under their product listing, i have been to their website and located the video and played it, usually i just right click my mouse on the video and click properties and then cut and paste the videos url link and then add it into my html code, but with this video i cannot do it. How do i get the url of the macromedia flash video? TIA
snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 guys it's okay i found a way to find the url address, thanks anyway, this is so exciting i better continue adding
snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 is there a way i can add some html code to the products catalogue so i can add product sizes, you see one of my products is t-shirts and i have 4 sizes, instead of adding every size to my store can i just add a drop down box where people can choose which size they want before adding their t-shirt to their shopping cart?
snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 i am not sure what to do When i click on product attributes i see, a few portion of boxes. One says product options, to the right product values and to the bottom product atributes there is a drop down box where you choose your product and to the right there are several drop down menus, under option name you can choose size then to the right another drop down box saying option value and in that box you can choose all sorts my list in there is 16mb 32mb 4mb 8mb box windows - English deluxe download windows - English premium PS/2 USB value I don't know why i have these in that drop down box as i don't stock any product to do with that list, maybe it was put there when the website was being designed by my web page designer then the next box to the right of that is value price and then prefix and their is a + sign and then finally the insert button, what should i do then? I hope you can please help, much appreciated Many thanks
Ausgirl Posted July 20, 2007 Posted July 20, 2007 ok, all these: 16mb, 32mb, 4mb, 8mb, box windows - English, deluxe, download windows - English, premium, PS/2, USB, value if you are sure they are not your products delete them. I know the 16, 32, 4, 8mgs were there with original software. There there just as an example. You need to replace them with your own products. Step 1: Delete all attributes in the product options & product values. Step 2: Under Product Options: There is a text box where you can put your info, if you are selling T-Shirt size, write T-Shirt size in the box then Click insert. Step 3: Under Product Values: In the drop down you will see T-Shirt size, then in the text box write small, click insert. Step 4: Under product Attributes you will see in the drop down box a list of all your products, choose which product you would like (say Polo Shirt) then in the next drop down choose T-Shirt size, then in the next drop down choose small. Click insert, then go to your product page and see the result. Option Extra: If you have say a T-shirt size 3XX then you may want to charge a little extra for that shirt, in the text box next to + sign write 2.00 then insert. When you look at your product page, you will see the attributes drop down list where your customers can choose their option, if you have add 2.00 then you will see that also, it will automatically add the extra $2.00 to the order. Of course, you would change the T-Shirt size, small, & 2.00 to suit your products, you add as many as you like, for choosing sizes, colours, installation, what ever you like. Hope I explained myself well enough, just have a play, till you get the idea of it. :)
snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 Thanks for that i did all that and added it fine, I created 'choose size' under product options, then under option values i created 4 lists with sizes in each list, then under product attributes i also filled in the 4 different sizes, but the strange thing is that under product attributes there is this small No 1 in red and underneath the list starts with ID 3, 7, 2, 6 and under options value No 3 has small, No 2 is extra large, No 7 is Large and No 6 is medium How can i get the product attributes options value to list them in order of small, medium, large, extra large? Also how can i change the product attributes ID (number list) instead of 3, 7, 2, 6 how can i make it 1, 2, 3, 4? You see i don't want to confuse my self when accounting i would rather have everything in a list, rather than list numbers flying all over the place I hope you understand what i am saying Thanks in advance
Ausgirl Posted July 20, 2007 Posted July 20, 2007 Yes, I see what you mean, the red 1 is the page you are on. Those other numbers are the option ID, you can change that to display in the order of option name as well. I think the way that works is when you add an option the ID is 1, then 2, 3, 4 ect...If you no longer need say option 2 and delete it, then your option ID will be 1, 3, 4 ect... As for getting the attributes to appear in the order you are wanting, (which I agree, should be the same) I sell items in sizes and it looks messy when the attributes are XLge, small, Large ect.. I dont know why it does that, I thought it might just place them alphabetically but it doesnt, I tried adding the attributes in the order you are wanting but it still doesnt come out that way. I dont know why. Maybe they go in order of the option ID???? Which would be silly, cause Id have to delete like 5 pages worth just start over. Anyway.... Id like to know how to make them like that way too, sorry I couldnt help you but hopefully someone will pop in with the answer :)
snoope Posted July 20, 2007 Author Posted July 20, 2007 well thanks anyway you have been more than helpful Do you think it's wise to continue adding products to my store with this number issue, or should i wait till someone can give me an answer otherwise if i go ahead now i may have to change it all later to get the number to list properly
Ausgirl Posted July 20, 2007 Posted July 20, 2007 Then again you could be waiting forever for an answer that may never come also. If your site is live and ready for purchases, I think you should add them now, your customers will be wanting options and if you dont have them they will go else where. You can always change it later, when someone pops in with the fix. If your site is not live, then you could wait and hopefully someone will pop in with the answer. Or while your waiting, you could start another thread with the question "how do I fix product attributes" explaining what you want as this thread has the title "Does Oscommerce Have A Built In Html Editor?" so people whom are wanting to help with that question will only pop in here. Its up to you.
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