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The e-commerce.

Setting Stock Number Per Size?


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I'm looking to do a store selling a set number of products in different sizes. Take the example of a shoe store. I have men's brogues in sizes 6, 7 and 8 with four of each size in stock, and in size 9 with just one in stock.


As I understand it, a default osCommerce site would have me had a product called Men's Brogues and attributes of 6, 7, 8 and 9 but I could only set an overall stock level of say 13 so that two people could order size 9 brogues even though I only have one pair in stock.


How do I accomplish a site where the stock levels are set per attribute?


Taking it a step further, is there a way to set up stock levels per size and colour or would I need to have Men's Brown Brogues and Men's Black Brogues?

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This looks like it could solve my problem too but I'm struggling with implementing it. Can anyone give me more specific instructions on how to intall it...especially the sql stuff. I can get as far as phpmyadmin but I'm utterly lost at that point.

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