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Easy Populate Partially Exporting


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I have installed 2.78 of Easy Populate and it does appear to be exporting some of the fields from the database.

It create the file OK, but it does not include the "price" or the "country" (a field we have manually added)

How can you configure it to do this as I have read the file but cannot make sense of it.


Also when I try and import it back into the database, nothing happens.

does the import txt file have to be in a special location, or how is it configured?


Any advise on the above 2 points would be very much appreciated !


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You probably should be using version 2.76d, but that is not your problem.


Any version of Easy Populate won't recognize fields you have added. You need to edit the file to have it do that. There is a contribution that explains how. I think it is named Easy Populate Extra Fields.


If you can't import, then the path in the EP file is probably not set up correctly.



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