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Protect An Oscommerce Store From Being Copied


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I have an offline osc cart that will be distributed on CD to remote users.

Orders are sent as encrypted emails, as users are remote and will not have access to internet browsing.

as all the code is on the CD I was wondering if there is a way to protect the actual copying of it and then merely adding others their own database and redistributing it after all the development work we have done.

Can anyone advise how it might be possible to protect some or all of the cart to restrict copying on a grand scale?

Many thanks for any suggestions/solutions!

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I have an offline osc cart that will be distributed on CD to remote users.

Orders are sent as encrypted emails, as users are remote and will not have access to internet browsing.

as all the code is on the CD I was wondering if there is a way to protect the actual copying of it and then merely adding others their own database and redistributing it after all the development work we have done.

Can anyone advise how it might be possible to protect some or all of the cart to restrict copying on a grand scale?

Many thanks for any suggestions/solutions!

osC is released under GPL. so any subsequent releases you do must be under GPL also. So they can copy all the code (php, js etc) files and re-sell it or give it or free. The only part you may have copyright on is the site's content/text and visual characteristics (like images assuming you created your own).

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