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The e-commerce.

Same Product Different Countries And Taxes.


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Ok I am a newbie..



Where I am looking at is:


in my catalog i configured on product for 10 dollars AUD. I want to sell this product in AU and NZ. The shop location is in AU and everyting defaults to AU.


AU has 10% GST

NZ has 12.5% GST


I configured the currencies, and that works fine. (When I select AU it is 10 dollars and when I select NZ it shows in NZ dollars its the bloody tax i have troubles with (who wouldn't :rolleyes: ))


What i need to understand or trying to get to work is, if the customer is based in NZ and uses NZD as currency and has his address set as NZ the tax should be calculated using the NZ tax rate. But it does'nt it does not calculate tax for NZ at all.


The product in the catalog is configured



Net: 10 dollars

Gross: 11 dollars


That works ok for AU but not for NZ when I configure it to be



Nett 10 dollars

Gross: 12 dollars

it works ok for NZ but not for AU.


Got me stumped.





1. Do i have to make a product for NZ and one for AU to allow for the correct tax to be calculated?

2. If I have to make a new product for NZ how do i do that, I do not want to list the same product multiple times in the shop?

3. How do i get it to work that it selects the correct tax for the one product based upon country of the customer?


Thanks in advance




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