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Product Image Missing On Catalog Shopping Page


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I have added some new products on my site. Everything looks fine on the catalog admin page but when I go to the website live the product is listed without the image. I have just switched hosting companies, don't know if this has anything to do with it.. But before I switched, I had the message


"Error: Catalog images directory is not writeable: /home/staymyba/public_html/shop/images/" This message is now gone.


Also I saw another thread about this error message stating to "make sure that your (catalog)/images/ folder is permission is set to 755." and I checked mine and that is the value we are using for this folder.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!


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I wanted to add that in my catalog, all of the products previously listed have the the message "IMAGE DOES NOT EXIST" on the admin product page. However, all of these products do display images both on the live site and on the admin page...


Please help if you can.


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