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The e-commerce.

Shop Invoice System And Myob


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Hey Peoples,


I have a bit of a query for all you.


Im running a shop selling audio equipment, when someone purchases a product, they are assigned a invoice number by the online shop, but i am also selling outside the online shop aswell.


I want to use MYOB for the invoicing ... how can this be done.


Can i assign a certain invoice code for the shop stuff, then for the non shop stuff assign another invoice code .. say for the shop it would be OS0001, OS0002 for the invoice numbers, and the in store ones i could do IS0001, IS0002.


Does this make sense to anyone? and how does anyone else handle this problem?



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Can i assign a certain invoice code for the shop stuff, then for the non shop stuff assign another invoice code .. say for the shop it would be OS0001, OS0002 for the invoice numbers, and the in store ones i could do IS0001, IS0002.


Yes this make sense, but how about the rules (law) in your state or country? If it is permitted !,no problem.





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