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The e-commerce.

Xml Ordering System To Manufacturer


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Hello all, im hoping someone can help me with this:


I have set up the oscommerce site very basically and need to integrate some code into the ordering process before i go too far


I have 2 class files (stockpriceandchecker.class.php and xpath.class.php) which will order (via xml feed) the products directly from the manufacturer. Where in the oscommerce php code do i need to modify and with what statements and where do i need to place these files?


I have enclosed the file stockprice and checker below in the hope of getting a responce (note i have changed the suppliers name to supplier for obvious reasons), but i cant show the xpath file as it has 6265 lines of code and makes the post too long - my apologies for this:







* StockAndPriceChecker class.


* This class provides a very simple interface to the XML Stock and Price Service from Supplier.

* You can use it to gain real time information on all of our products.


* {@internal

* You will need to download the xPath class in order to use this class, the xPath class must

* be placed somewhere accesable on your server. Then you must alter the include in the

* StockAndPriceChecker class file to reflect where the xPath class is stored as the

* example shows.

* <code>

* {require_once('/path/to/XPath.class.php');}

* </code>

* The class may be obtained from

* {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpxpath/} }}

* You may instantiate a new instance of this class by following the example below

* <code>

* require_once('/path/to/StockAndPriceChecker.class.php');

* $objStkPriceChk=new StockAndPriceChecker();

* </code>

* @version 1.00

* @copyright Supplier Ltd. 2005


class StockAndPriceChecker



* Your Account Number.

* This must be changed to your ten digit account number issued by Supplier.

* @access private

* @var string

* @example 0000123456


var $account_no='0000520465';


* Your Password.

* This must be changed to the password for XML Query Service issued by Supplier.

* @access private

* @var string

* @example y0urpa55w0rd


var $password='aw63fd7aw';


* Part Number (Manufacturer or Supplier).

* This may be either the Manufacturer or Supplier Part Number and will be used to in the "querySupplier" method

* which grabs the XML data from the Supplier server. This should not be initialised here. To swap between using

* the Manufacturer or Supplier Part Number you must set the "manuOrMidwPn" variable to the appropriate value.

* @access private

* @var string

* @see manuOrMidwPn

* @see querySupplier


var $part_pn='';


* xPath Object.

* The xPath object is initialised in the constructor call and is responsible for grabbing and parsing the XML

* returned from the query.

* @access private

* @var object


var $xPath;


* Debug Flag.

* This cannot be set directly, this variable controls this class's debug functionality only, to get full

* debug information you should use the "setDebug" function as this also sets the debug flag for the xPath

* class which has some exelent debug of it's own.

* @access private

* @var boolean

* @example false

* @see setDebug


var $debug=false;


* Manufacturer or Supplier Part Number Flag.

* This can either be hard coded her or altered between requests by accessing the variable directly

* through the "StockAndPriceChecker" object you have created.

* @access public

* @var string

* @example midwpn or manupn


var $manuOrMidwPn='midwpn';



* Constructor StockAndPriceChecker.

* This constructor creates a new instance of the xPath class and sets any relevant variables within

* it.


function StockAndPriceChecker()


$this->xPath = new XPath();





* querySupplier queries the Supplier servers to get the realtime XML data.

* This function can be called many times to retrieve new data using the same object. Do this rather

* than instantiating a new StockAndPriceChecker object.

* @access public

* @param string [$pn] the Manufacturer of Supplier Part Number to retrieve data for.


function querySupplier($pn)





if(!$this->xPath->importFromFile('http://www.Supplier.com/services/realtimeCheck.php?message=QUERY&tpid=' . $this->account_no . '&pass=' . $this->password . '&'.$this->manuOrMidwPn.'=' . $this->part_pn) && $this->debug){_debug($this->xPath->getLastError());}




* setDebug sets the debug flag for StockAndPriceChecker and xPath.

* This function can be used to get extra debug info during development. The method sets both the

* StockAndPriceChecker and the xPath flag.

* @access public

* @param boolean [$value] debug flag (true or false).


function setDebug($value)







* getSuccess assertains wether the xml has been recieved sucessfuly.

* This function is used to ascertain wether an error has occured, and if debug mode is set it will

* print out the error message to the screen.

* @access public

* @return boolean true or false depending on success.


function getSuccess()








case 'QUERY FAIL':








return $result;




* getGenerationTime Returns The Time And Date The Data Was Generated.

* This function returns the time and date the data was generated for debugging or logging purposes.

* @access public

* @return array array('date'=>20050601,'time'=>233355)


function getGenerationTime()


return array('date'=>$this->xPath->getData('/query[1]/queryheader[1]/generation[1]/date[1]'), 'time'=>$this->xPath->getData('/query[1]/queryheader[1]/generation[1]/time[1]'));




* getProductData Returns All Product Data Returned From The XML Query.

* This function returns an associative array of all product information gained from the XML query.

* @access public

* @return array array(midwpartno,manupartno,manuname,productname,category,description,list,deale



function getProductData()


return array(
















* getStock Returns Value Of Current Stock Level.

* This function returns the current stock level of the product the query was run for.

* @access public

* @return integer stock level value


function getStock()


return $this->xPath->getData('/query[1]/productdata[1]/stock[1]');




* getCost Returns Value Of Current Cost To You.

* This function returns the current cost to you of the product the query was run for.

* @access public

* @return float(2 d.p) dealer cost


function getCost()


return $this->xPath->getData('/query[1]/productdata[1]/dealerprice[1]');




* getAccessoryList Returns Accessory Details.

* This function returns an associative array of all the queried products accessories.

* @access public

* @return array array(array(midwpartno,manupartno,manuname,productname)) Accessory details


function getAccessoryList()










); }

return $aAccessoryList;




* getXMLAsHTML XML Formated As HTML.

* This function returns a HTML representation of the XML returned from the current query.

* @access public

* @return string HTML formated XML


function getXMLAsHTML()


return $this->xPath->exportAsHtml();




* getXML Raw XML Data.

* This function returns the raw XML from the query.

* @access public

* @return string Raw XML


function getXML()


return $this->xPath->exportAsXml();




* exportXMLToFile Export Raw XML Data To A File.

* This function writes the raw XML from the query to the specified file.

* @access public

* @param string [$filename] string value of a path to a file.


function exportXMLToFile($filename)


return $this->xPath->exportToFile($filename);




* _reset resets the xPath Object.

* This function resets the xPath object so that is does not have to be re-insantiated when

* making another XML query using the same object.the specified file.

* @access private


function _reset()






* _debug formats debug info.

* This function formats debug information

* @access private


function _debug($value)


echo '<br><hr><b>'.$value.'</b><hr><br>';






Your help is very much appreciated

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Why not use config>my store>send extra order emails to


Just may need to tweak the email contents a bit to get it how you want it to be sent. That email will include the customers address, what they ordered etc etc.

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Some of you may have noticed I have the wrong filename its supposed to be StockAndPriceChecker class. Thanks for the response and I can use email ordering but I was hoping to use the xml as it’s preferred by the supplier. Thats of course if anyone knows how to implement it as i am bloomin useless. :'(

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