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Trying To Get My Site From Remote Server Onto Local Machine Xampp

mikey boy

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I'v been trying for a week now to get the site I've got on a remote server running on my desktop PC with XAMPP. I've installed XAMPP & it runs fine, I've sucked my site code off the server & plugged it nto XAMPP & done all the reconfiguration. But it hardly works & it took me a L-O-N-G time to get past "Error 500".


I eventually found that by porting a fresh install of OsC to the local machine's htdocs/TEST/ folder & putting my site code over the top I could then run Install & set it up so it would at least run. However none of the design work, such as graphics & layout, shows up. Neither do any of the modifications such as an FAQ, Forum & so on. The databse imported OK, all my products & details show up just fine. Also all the tables/fields are there for the various add ons & mods that are in place.


I once had XAMPP running on a previous PC, it was a piece of cake back then & all I had to do was plug the site code into the folder in the XAMPP directory & run Install, then I had a perfect working copy. But now that doesn't seem to work any more. What could possibly be going wrong?


I'm using WinXp & the latest version of XAMPP from the Apache Friends site.

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You did not mentioned the configure.php files, but my guess is that soem settings in one or both of the configure.php files are incorrect if 'none of the design work, such as graphics & layout, shows up'.



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