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Problem With Form Script In Product Page


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I want to not only insert product info on a product page, but also include this form mailer for people to sign up for a newsletter.


However, when I include this script in the product page, osc locks up when I click preview. Update will not work and back in osc will not work. I have to click the back button in my browser to get it back to the edit page.


Is there something in osc that does not allow forms in product page?


<form name="form1" method="post" action="http://emailer.emailroi.com/multisubscribe.ice">

<input type=text name="Email" size=20 maxlength=120 value="enter email" style="margin-left: 18px"onFocus="if(this.value=='enter email')this.value='';">

<input name="Submit" type="image" value=img src="../images/newsletter_submit.jpg" >


<input type=hidden name="username" value="username">

<input type=hidden name="list1" value="Subscriber">

<input type=hidden name="mandatory" value="Email">

<input type=hidden name="thankyou_message" value="http://www.domain.com/newsletter_thankyou.htm">

<input type=hidden name="trigger" value="Subscriber_autoresponder">


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I guess it's a problem between your browser and the action script. Did you try another browser?

No, I didn't try another browser. If it is a browser problem, then there is no fix for me because my client only uses IE 7.0.


So, it should not be an oscommerce problem?

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