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I'd like to implement frames for my OSC shopping cart. Currently I have the following index.html page setup like this: <html>



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">



<frameset rows="160,*" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0">

<frame src="header.html" name="topFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize >

<frame src="default.php" name="mainFrame">







The above code puts my logo, header.html, in the top frame, then calls default.php in the "main frame". What I'd like to do is frame the left and right info boxes and have only the middle of each page scroll up and down. Has anyone done this ? If so, please reply, any help is greatly appreciated.



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you will have to go through and tell the default.php and product_info.php and any others that require column_left.php, column_right.php, and header.php and take it out, i believe, cause otherwise the center will load just like the normal shopping cart but then you should just be able to make your two side frames and load the column_right.php and column_left.php in the respective sides. that should get it i would think.

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i would suggest not to use frames. namely for layout purposes and some people not being fond of frames.


If you do use frames you have to be careful with your target.... clicking on a certain product will also trigger the category index to the correct category. This will give some troubles if you're gonna use frames....

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