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Checkout Via Ssl Requires User To Login Again


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My OSCommerce site is working fine.....well, until I started messing with SSL.


I enabled shared SSL with my hosting provider. I've updated /includes/configure.php with the shared SSL URL https://mysecure.host/~username. I'm only wanting to use SSL for checkout purposes.


When I click on the CheckOut button the site is forcing the user to login again. Am I leaving something out?





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My OSCommerce site is working fine.....well, until I started messing with SSL.


I enabled shared SSL with my hosting provider. I've updated /includes/configure.php with the shared SSL URL https://mysecure.host/~username. I'm only wanting to use SSL for checkout purposes.


When I click on the CheckOut button the site is forcing the user to login again. Am I leaving something out?







This is just a wild guess...


It seems that you are using a Shared SSL from your host provider.

Are you using that mysecure.host/~username address for plain non-SSL connection too?

If not, I guess the problem is with the cookies not being set to the new domain address for ssl connection in the browser.

I'm not sure how to configure that since I am just using the dedicated SSL, but you should check your configure.php and/or configuration table in mysql db.


If I'm wrong... :'( I'm so sorry.

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This is just a wild guess...


It seems that you are using a Shared SSL from your host provider.

Are you using that mysecure.host/~username address for plain non-SSL connection too?

If not, I guess the problem is with the cookies not being set to the new domain address for ssl connection in the browser.

I'm not sure how to configure that since I am just using the dedicated SSL, but you should check your configure.php and/or configuration table in mysql db.


If I'm wrong... :'( I'm so sorry.


Nope, I think you were correct. I could never get it to work though so I took the easy way out and got a dedicated SSL. It's working like a champ now!


Thanks for your input....

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