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The e-commerce.

Newbie Money Problem


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Sorry that my first post here has to be a beg for help, but I am in a bit of a pickle, and I can't find any documentation that helps with my situation!


I have set up a fresh install of oscommerce here - http://rocashop.com/shop/


I have changed basic settings (went from America to UK, changed the categories, tax amounts etc. etc)


And I have added one item - http://rocashop.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=29


As you can see, the price is set to 0 (not even £0.00) even though in the admin section, when you edit the item, it comes up with £5.00 basic and £5.85 with tax (which is the correct amount).


Is there something simple I am neglecting to do?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Check your countries/regions settings, tax zones, tax classes and so on. There are a lot of post to the same topic on this forum.


Thanks, I will double check everything - I had a look through many of the topics, and checked what other people had suggested to no avail - I know I am just being a prat and doing something stupid like!!

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In catalog/includes/languages/english/english.php you need to change








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