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Is There A Module For This?


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So here is what i am trying to find.


A users adds items to their shopping cart, if then they try to navigate away from the site without completing the checkout process, i want i notification window to pop-up saying ' You still have items in your Basket, blah blah blah'


I have seen this functions on many sites, and am sure there will probably be a module for it somewhere, but just cant find it.


Please help :)

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I am not aware of a such a contribution. There is a contribution that place the cart in the header so it shows at a glance that there are items in the cart.


Any site that uses popups like that is, in my opinion, unprofessional, and I would leave it if that happened while moving around the site. Besides, people know if they have something in their cart. If they don't plan on ordering, I doubt that showing them the cart has items would make a difference. Just something to think about.



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I am not sure that you are right about 'Unprofessional' you need to remember that at the end of the day it is about sales. And if a user is l;eaving the site and did not complete the checkout process, there could be a possibility that they did not find the checkout, of the location of the cart (this is still common for inexperianced users) and the final prompt will take them straight to it. Also if they are leaving the site, then to offer that one final sales push does no harm :)

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I am not sure that you are right about 'Unprofessional' you need to remember that at the end of the day it is about sales. And if a user is l;eaving the site and did not complete the checkout process, there could be a possibility that they did not find the checkout, of the location of the cart (this is still common for inexperianced users) and the final prompt will take them straight to it. Also if they are leaving the site, then to offer that one final sales push does no harm :)

You could use the recover cart sales contribution instead. You can monitor the customers carts and send emails which is quite efficient in such cases.

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