drone Posted June 14, 2007 Posted June 14, 2007 Hey guys, Im having a problem with my online store, it doesnt seem to accepting card numbers starting 6754, I have checked with the customer and it's a valid card. I get the following error on checkout_payment.php The first four digits of the number entered are: 6754 If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card. If it is wrong, please try again. Im looking at cc_validation.php but im not sure what to change, code below: <?php /* $Id: cc_validation.php,v 1.3 2003/02/12 20:43:41 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ class cc_validation { var $cc_type, $cc_number, $cc_expiry_month, $cc_expiry_year; function validate($number, $expiry_m, $expiry_y) { $this->cc_number = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $number); if (ereg('^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'Visa'; } elseif (ereg('^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'Master Card'; } elseif (ereg('^3[47][0-9]{13}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'American Express'; } elseif (ereg('^3(0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'Diners Club'; } elseif (ereg('^6011[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'Discover'; } elseif (ereg('^(3[0-9]{4}|2131|1800)[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'JCB'; } elseif (ereg('^5610[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) { $this->cc_type = 'Australian BankCard'; } else { return -1; } if (is_numeric($expiry_m) && ($expiry_m > 0) && ($expiry_m < 13)) { $this->cc_expiry_month = $expiry_m; } else { return -2; } $current_year = date('Y'); $expiry_y = substr($current_year, 0, 2) . $expiry_y; if (is_numeric($expiry_y) && ($expiry_y >= $current_year) && ($expiry_y <= ($current_year + 10))) { $this->cc_expiry_year = $expiry_y; } else { return -3; } if ($expiry_y == $current_year) { if ($expiry_m < date('n')) { return -4; } } return $this->is_valid(); } function is_valid() { $cardNumber = strrev($this->cc_number); $numSum = 0; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cardNumber); $i++) { $currentNum = substr($cardNumber, $i, 1); // Double every second digit if ($i % 2 == 1) { $currentNum *= 2; } // Add digits of 2-digit numbers together if ($currentNum > 9) { $firstNum = $currentNum % 10; $secondNum = ($currentNum - $firstNum) / 10; $currentNum = $firstNum + $secondNum; } $numSum += $currentNum; } // If the total has no remainder it's OK return ($numSum % 10 == 0); } } ?> Can anyone assist me with this?
♥Vger Posted June 14, 2007 Posted June 14, 2007 Look in the Contributions section for an updated cc_validation.php file - because the default osCommerce one is years out of date and doesn't recognise the newer issue numbers. Actually, as you are in the UK, you shouldn't be using the osCommerce credit card module anyway - as it stores credit card data in the database - and on a shared server that's in violation of the Data Protection Act - not to mention violating PCI regulations (Payment Card Industry). You need to use a payment provider like Protx, who stores the card data for you. Vger
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