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I've been looking for the .css link to the new products module. I figured by removing the link the the css file I can create my own layout. I found an example of what I'd like to have a the index page for new products. How can I get this done.








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If you are looking to do changed to the text and the colors of the site, that's what you would change in the .cs file. IF you are looking to put in 3 columns of products instead of having it go 1 product per line, then you need to look elsewhere. And this will depend on what you want to change. Are you changing the listing of products depending on the selection of a category/manufacturer, or are you looking to change the new_products display to get more stuff on the page?


I ask because there are different files that control this and it would be nice to know which way you want to go with this.

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I've been looking for the .css link to the new products module. I figured by removing the link the the css file I can create my own layout. I found an example of what I'd like to have a the index page for new products. How can I get this done.










Take a look at STS (Simple Template System).

With this MOD installed it is easy to do as you wish to the layout.

Based on OsCommerce 2.2 MS2 - Mods Including: Customer Approval, STS Template System, OS-CMS, Sage Line 50 Sync, Locate a Stockist, Auto Thumbnailer, Easy Populator, Visitors Stats, Extra Images, Header Tags Controller, Unsold Cart, Products w/o Description/Prices/Images Reports, Backup Customers Table, Login to See Prices. Full customised products_info.php page. OSC Links Manager. Minimum Order Amount. Visitor Web Stats. Google Sitemap. All products page (user sitemap).


The OsCommerce Site is hosted on 1 domain with 20 feeder domains extracting data from OS-CMS & the shop catalogue.


If you would like to view my website in relation to any of my posts you can google my forum username to find my URL or add a (dot)co(dot)uk to the end of it.

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