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The e-commerce.

input to QuickBooks PRo

John W

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Hi, and thanks for the quick replies. Can you tell me more about where to find the add on's? That sounds awesome!!! Although I'm strugling through some of this, I' really liking the OS Commerce software. It's like anything being done for the first time, the learning curve is time consuming.


But, I must also say that the people on this board seem GREAT!!!


So, if you can just steer me a little more on this one, I'm sure I can get it.



I'm not really a dog.

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I think the contributions section of this forum is what you're looking for. Or you can go to www.oscommerce.com Click on downloads at the top of the page, then click contributions on the left. They are categorized there. HTH

If every member of this board donated $1 to the dev team, that would be over $11,000.00. Don't you think this cart is worth at least a $1????

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How many people would be interested in an app that would allow direct integration into quickbooks of your osCommerce information?


Our app we are making would do this WITHOUT any manual exports, IIF or cvs files, and with just a click of a button. Our app works with Quickbooks in the background so there is no manual operation at all, inface Quickbooks doesn't have to run. if you're interested email [email protected]



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  • 2 weeks later...
Absolutely, that would be a huge help. Of course, my store isn't even open yet.




Not to be a jerk, I think most of use OSCommerce because its a free and customizable, and your email address is "sales@" which incurs paying.


Just a thought.

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  • 1 month later...

The possibility of QuickBooks in OSC helps me feel confident in offering OSC to my e-Business clients who are basing their small business accounting upon QuickBooks. It helps me say "Yes, I think we can get that working for you fairly quickly..."

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
How many people would be interested in an app that would allow direct integration into quickbooks of your osCommerce information?


Our app we are making would do this WITHOUT any manual exports, IIF or cvs files, and with just a click of a button. Our app works with Quickbooks in the background so there is no manual operation at all, inface Quickbooks doesn't have to run. if you're interested email [email protected]




Hi all, Tim here, the EP guy.


Jeremy has graced us with exactly 3 posts so far including this one, the other 2 of which are advertisements (and word for word replicas of each other) as well. He hasn't answered any questions, he hasn't created any contribs, he hasn't proven of any value to the community, and has now started spamming us.


I've PM'd him asking him to contact Harold and have his posts removed, which, if he is acting in good faith, he should do.



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We are developing two applications:

....If you are interested in this please email [email protected] and we will list you for a free copy of our first version. If you do not email us you will not be eligible for a free copy.



[email protected]


I stand corrected, it's now 4 posts, 3 of which are identical SPAMS and in violation of the rules of this board. It seems his previous username was most likely BANNED, so now he has changed usernames and is SPAMMING us again.


If you do business with this guy you are no friend of OSC. He won't listen to the rules, he won't play nice. He's answered no questions, he doesn't help anyone, just advertises non-free products on a non-commercial board. Not very classy.



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