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The e-commerce.

Cannot Re-assign $this


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I was deleting some product attributes when suddenly I got this error:



Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/******/public_html/***********/admin/includes/classes/upload.php on line 31


The line it is referring to is:

class upload {

var $file, $filename, $destination, $permissions, $extensions, $tmp_filename, $message_location;


function upload($file = '', $destination = '', $permissions = '777', $extensions = '') {








if (tep_not_null($this->file) && tep_not_null($this->destination)) {



if ( ($this->parse() == true) && ($this->save() == true) ) {

return true;

} else {

// self destruct

$this = null;


return false;





I have had no problems with my oscommerce at all, and I didn't change any files tonight, just deleting some unused attributes.

It happened so suddenly that it really surprised me and has me stumped.

I cannot go into my admin->catalog anymore


Any ideas on what I should do?


Thanks for any suggestions!


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Ask your host to reload the site before you deleted the items,

they should have a back up of a day or so ago, Ralph

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Remove the line
$this = null;

It is a known problem. You can see the fix in the latest oscommece package.




Jack, that fix worked perfectly, I'm glad it was so easy to fix.

Thanks for your reply, it is much appreciated, you are certainly a great benefit to this community. Thanks!

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You're welcome and thanks. :) You will pobably find that you have other problems fixed by the update so you may want to keep it handy, if not just go ahead and install it.



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