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[contribution] Send_order_html_email


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What was changed in checkout_process.php to get cheque payemnts to display? I can't find it.

Never mind.

How do you get the comments to show in the check out email?

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Only as subject not as "from-field" .




Order Ordernummer xyz from [email protected]


therefore you have to change

$insert_id , nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');


$insert_id .'from '. $order->customer['email_address'],  nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');


Hi Shetani,


How r you?


I understood your suggestion, but I really need that appear the customers name in the from field, because I intend to use the mail programa, like OE, to control payments, so, to find a specific order that we don't know the number, we will look for for the name of the customer. The orders that customers receive from store, will continue to show the store name, but the copys that I'll receive, appears as the customer had sent me directly.


The contribution HTML Invoice allow this, but I prefer to use you contribution because I liked the layout





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OK Renato,


here we go - late but not too late (sun is shinning :))


look for


$insert_id , nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');

and change 



$order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address']

that way, that the whole code looks like

$insert_id, nl2br($email_order), $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address'], '');


That should work. If you would also like to have a different EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT then you have to define it in the language section and substitute

within the above code snippet


Greets Frank

Edited by shetani
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Never mind.

How do you get the comments to show in the check out email?


Seems that the original code


  if ($order->info['comments']) {
+    $email_order .= tep_db_output($order->info['comments']) . "\n\n";


was not included in the HTML Email V2 contrib.


Normally, you can fix it if you modify the modules/email/html_checkout_process.php the following way



... $Vartaxe</td>";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "      </table></td>";
$html_email_order .= "  </tr>";


and paste in direct after


if ($order->info['comments']) {
$html_email_order .= "  <tr>";
$html_email_order .= "		 <td><table width=\"600\"  border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=white>";
$html_email_order .= "        	<tr> ";
$html_email_order .= "         		<td class=\"boxmail\">$Varcommenttext</td>";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "       	 <tr> ";
$html_email_order .= "          	<td class=\"boxmailgris\">$Varcomment</td> ";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "       </table></td>";
$html_email_order .= " 	</tr>";};


Save and upload file (Backup before ;))


then open checkout_process.php and find


$Varhttp = ''.VARHTTP.'';
$Varstyle = ''.VARSTYLE.'';
$Varshipaddress =''.tep_address_label($customer_id, $sendto).'';


paste the following code direct behind the last line


$Varcommenttext =''.EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT.'';
if ($order->info['comments'])
$Varcomment =''.tep_db_output($order->info['comments']).'';


last but not least you have to define the EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT in the admin language section (checkout_process)

define('EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT', 'Comment');

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OK Renato,


here we go - late but not too late (sun is shinning :))


look for


$insert_id , nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');

and change 



$order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address']

that way, that the whole code looks like

$insert_id, nl2br($email_order), $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address'], '');


That should work. If you would also like to have a different EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT then you have to define it in the language section and substitute

within the above code snippet


Greets Frank


Hi Frank,


Thanks for the answer and for your patience too


Sorry, but not works to me. The result is the same that previous solution.





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Hi Renato,


normally it should work.


Have you changed the code in the checkout process.php


$insert_id , nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');


$insert_id, nl2br($email_order), $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address'], '');




Take care that you have changed the right one - that one which includes the SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO field


I´ve made the same changes here and it works perfect.

Edited by shetani
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My dear friend. Everything is all right now. Thanks a lot and congratulations to this very nice contribution. Best regards.


I would also thank the author of this nice contribution for his excellent work ;)

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Seems that the original code


  if ($order->info['comments']) {
+    $email_order .= tep_db_output($order->info['comments']) . "\n\n";


was not included in the HTML Email V2 contrib.


Normally, you can fix it if you modify the modules/email/html_checkout_process.php the following way



... $Vartaxe</td>";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "      </table></td>";
$html_email_order .= "  </tr>";


and paste in direct after


if ($order->info['comments']) {
$html_email_order .= "  <tr>";
$html_email_order .= "		 <td><table width=\"600\"  border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=white>";
$html_email_order .= "        	<tr> ";
$html_email_order .= "         		<td class=\"boxmail\">$Varcommenttext</td>";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "       	 <tr> ";
$html_email_order .= "          	<td class=\"boxmailgris\">$Varcomment</td> ";
$html_email_order .= "        	</tr>";
$html_email_order .= "       </table></td>";
$html_email_order .= " 	</tr>";};


Save and upload file (Backup before ;))


then open checkout_process.php and find


$Varhttp = ''.VARHTTP.'';
$Varstyle = ''.VARSTYLE.'';
$Varshipaddress =''.tep_address_label($customer_id, $sendto).'';


paste the following code direct behind the last line


$Varcommenttext =''.EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT.'';
if ($order->info['comments'])
$Varcomment =''.tep_db_output($order->info['comments']).'';


last but not least you have to define the EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT in the admin language section (checkout_process)

define('EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENT', 'Comment');

Hi Frank


Thank you, thank you. That worked perfectly. Now I just need to go back and get my payment method showing in the email.

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Hi Frank


Thank you, thank you. That worked perfectly. Now I just need to go back and get my payment method showing in the email.

Anyone else have the problem of the payment method not appearing in the checkout email?

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Anyone else have the problem of the payment method not appearing in the checkout email?

OK then. Anyone know how to get this working with purchase without account?

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OK then. Anyone know how to get this working with purchase without account?

OK then. Anyone know how to get this CONTRIBUTION working with purchase without account?

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OK then. Anyone know how to get this CONTRIBUTION working with purchase without account?

Is any one having a problem getting the payment method showing in the checkout email when using php 5 ?

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I´m sorry.


We are running 3 shops today 2 of them under PHP Version 4.3.10-16 and one on PHP Version 5.1.2


By end of the week i will go forward and patch the php 5 machine to work with send html emails.

After then i will be able to give you my statement about possible issues with php5.


Meanwhile , if you are interested in, you can send me your checkout_process.php for revising.

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What happened if you chose a different payment method instead of PWA ?!


Does the email contains the right information then ?


I dont know the PWA contrib . The email text for payment method is the $payment_class->title.

If i´m right their isnt a payment_class for PWA and if so their isnt also a title for that defined.


The only way to fix it may be to change in the checkout_process.php


Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; to something like


if ($payment_class->title == '') {Varmodpay .= $order->info['payment_method']."\n";}
else{Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; } 

Edited by shetani
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What happened if you chose a different payment method instead of PWA ?!


Does the email contains the right information then ?

Hi Frank


PWA is not a payment method, it is payment without account (the customer does not need to create an account in the shop).

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Hi Frank


PWA is not a payment method, it is payment without account (the customer does not need to create an account in the shop).



OK, then the reason is the one described above.


The only way to fix it may be to change in the checkout_process.php


$Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; to something like



if ($payment_class->title == '') {$Varmodpay .= $order->info['payment_method']."\n";}
else{$Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; } ;

Edited by shetani
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OK, then the reason is the one described above.


The only way to fix it may be to change in the checkout_process.php


$Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; to something like

if ($payment_class->title == '') {$Varmodpay .= $order->info['payment_method']."\n";}
else{$Varmodpay .= $payment_class->title . "\n"; } ;

Hi Frank


Thank you for helping.


Just to explain why PWA is there - it is solely to stop the url for the order from appearing in the email if the customer is a PWA customer.



I tried the code but the result is exactly the same. The code should work from what I can see. I will set up a clean install over the weekend, and try this contrib on its own on the test server.

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Make sense ;)


You can take a look in the database table orders where normally the field payment_method should be filled with something coming from



Therefore - if you are put in $order->info['payment_method'] instead of $payment_class->title in the checkout_process.php it should

showing the content of table orders -> payment_method there.


Please have a look in the database if there is any content written in by PWA in the field payment_method - if not, that may be the reason for

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I have a problem, the contribution works when a customer pays by check but it doesn't work when someone pays using paypal I have paypal ipn and my paypal pin url is checkout_success.php


Also I have tested it alot with paying by check and I can't seem to get the store logo to show up.


thnaks in advance



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I have a problem, the contribution works when a customer pays by check but it doesn't work when someone pays using paypal I have paypal ipn and my paypal pin url is checkout_success.php


Also I have tested it alot with paying by check and I can't seem to get the store logo to show up.


thnaks in advance





For the shop logo, you have to check the checkout_process.php in the /catalog/includes/languages/YOURLANGUAGEDIRECTORY


For the paypal issues i cant help you out because i´m not using that one. Which Version of the contribution do you use ?

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