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Credit Card Module- How To Add Cvv Numbers


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I am really struggling with the credit card payment module, everything is fine just one thing I cannot process payments without the cvv numbers, can someone please help me on how to fix that problem up? And explain it to me in detail because i am only NEW to this


Thankyou so much for your help. :blink:

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Hi ,

I have found where the file is on my own, no where does it explain how to get to that section!

Now I have another problem, the files http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...all/search,cvv2 that i have tried to download the files and for some reason it wont open.

can somebody please give me the codes from scratch because i have seen bits of codes on where to place them and unfortunatly i had an error problem. As i said to start with i am only new to all of this and I may need a little extra help.



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download the 7 Sep 2006 (PenuinMan98) version from the link you posted, open with a program such as WinZip.


The readme.txt file explains how to install. If you need the PHP5 update then replace the one file.


If you are using the credit card module to obtain credit card numbers to process manually then please ensure you have read about PCI / CISP regulations and security and check with you card merchant account - you will probably be in breech of your contract.



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After installing and verifying it's working correctly, look for a contribution to remove the cvv2 and credit card info from the database so you won't be storing the info once the credit card is processed. This should keep you in compliance.

Installed Contributions: CCGV, Close Popup, Dynamic Meta Tags, Easy Populate, Froogle Data Feeder, Google Position, Infobox Header Entire Row, Live Support for OSC, PayPal Seal with CC images, Report_m Sales, Shop by Price Revised, SQL Updater, Who's Online Enhancement, Footer, GNA EP Assistant and still going.

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I downloaded this version and am receiving an error. #3 in the instructions said to


Execute the following MYSQL code in your database: ALTER TABLE 'orders' ADD 'cc_ccv2' VARCHAR(4) AFTER 'cc_expires':


Exactly how do I accomplish this task?


Thanks in advance.

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OK. Fixed that problem. Now I have no errors in the check out process but the CCV number doesn't appear in the Customers Orders area. The field is there but no info. Any ideas where I screwed up the cut 'n paste? Thanks in advance for your help.

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After installing and verifying it's working correctly, look for a contribution to remove the cvv2 and credit card info from the database so you won't be storing the info once the credit card is processed. This should keep you in compliance.


This is incorrect. Recording the CVV2 number at all will put you in breech of your merchant agreement.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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Another note: If you just have a merchant account with virtual terminal/swipe machine, unless you have told your merchant account service provider that you will be manually entering internet orders with it, you are also in breach of your merchant agreement.


Your MASP will most likely drop you as soon as you get a chargeback with the report stating that the customer used their card on your website.

Edited by dynamoeffects

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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Beyond the legalities concerned, I need this to work. I just queried the database and the CCV's are there so they're just not making it to the customers orders area. Any suggestions?

Edited by Michael Ray
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Experts!


After attempting to dowload and copy files in to the appropriate places, I am receiving the following error when processing orders

"Warning: Missing argument 4 for validate() in /web/osc/includes/classes/cc_validation.php on line 16


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /web/osc/includes/classes/cc_validation.php:16) in /web/osc/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


In the validation.php I have the following codes:


class cc_validation {

var $cc_type, $cc_number, $cc_expiry_month, $cc_expiry_year,$cc_cvv2;


function validate($number, $expiry_m, $expiry_y, $cvv2) {

$this->cc_number = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $number);


if (ereg('^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Visa';

} elseif (ereg('^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Master Card';

} elseif (ereg('^3[47][0-9]{13}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'American Express';

} elseif (ereg('^3(0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Diners Club';

} elseif (ereg('^6011[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Discover';

} elseif (ereg('^(3[0-9]{4}|2131|1800)[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'JCB';

} elseif (ereg('^5610[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Australian BankCard';

} else {

return -1;



if (is_numeric($expiry_m) && ($expiry_m > 0) && ($expiry_m < 13)) {

$this->cc_expiry_month = $expiry_m;

} else {

return -2;



$current_year = date('Y');

$expiry_y = substr($current_year, 0, 2) . $expiry_y;

if (is_numeric($expiry_y) && ($expiry_y >= $current_year) && ($expiry_y <= ($current_year + 10))) {

$this->cc_expiry_year = $expiry_y;

} else {

return -3;



if ($expiry_y == $current_year) {

if ($expiry_m < date('n'))

if ($expiry_m < date('n')) {

return -4;




if ( (strlen($cvv2) < 3) or (strlen($cvv2) > 4)) {

return -5;



return $this->is_valid();



function is_valid() {

$cardNumber = strrev($this->cc_number);

$numSum = 0;





Hi ,

I have found where the file is on my own, no where does it explain how to get to that section!

Now I have another problem, the files http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...all/search,cvv2 that i have tried to download the files and for some reason it wont open.

can somebody please give me the codes from scratch because i have seen bits of codes on where to place them and unfortunatly i had an error problem. As i said to start with i am only new to all of this and I may need a little extra help.



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Is there anyone out there who has successfully installed the CVV codes? I'm stuck out here! I'm lost and desperately need help!!!!


Hello Experts!


After attempting to dowload and copy files in to the appropriate places, I am receiving the following error when processing orders

"Warning: Missing argument 4 for validate() in /web/osc/includes/classes/cc_validation.php on line 16


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /web/osc/includes/classes/cc_validation.php:16) in /web/osc/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


In the validation.php I have the following codes:


class cc_validation {

var $cc_type, $cc_number, $cc_expiry_month, $cc_expiry_year,$cc_cvv2;


function validate($number, $expiry_m, $expiry_y, $cvv2) {

$this->cc_number = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $number);


if (ereg('^4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Visa';

} elseif (ereg('^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Master Card';

} elseif (ereg('^3[47][0-9]{13}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'American Express';

} elseif (ereg('^3(0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Diners Club';

} elseif (ereg('^6011[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Discover';

} elseif (ereg('^(3[0-9]{4}|2131|1800)[0-9]{11}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'JCB';

} elseif (ereg('^5610[0-9]{12}$', $this->cc_number)) {

$this->cc_type = 'Australian BankCard';

} else {

return -1;



if (is_numeric($expiry_m) && ($expiry_m > 0) && ($expiry_m < 13)) {

$this->cc_expiry_month = $expiry_m;

} else {

return -2;



$current_year = date('Y');

$expiry_y = substr($current_year, 0, 2) . $expiry_y;

if (is_numeric($expiry_y) && ($expiry_y >= $current_year) && ($expiry_y <= ($current_year + 10))) {

$this->cc_expiry_year = $expiry_y;

} else {

return -3;



if ($expiry_y == $current_year) {

if ($expiry_m < date('n'))

if ($expiry_m < date('n')) {

return -4;




if ( (strlen($cvv2) < 3) or (strlen($cvv2) > 4)) {

return -5;



return $this->is_valid();



function is_valid() {

$cardNumber = strrev($this->cc_number);

$numSum = 0;



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  • 1 month later...
Another note: If you just have a merchant account with virtual terminal/swipe machine, unless you have told your merchant account service provider that you will be manually entering internet orders with it, you are also in breach of your merchant agreement.


Your MASP will most likely drop you as soon as you get a chargeback with the report stating that the customer used their card on your website.


This is actually incorrect. There are merchant account providers who allow you to input credit card orders into a terminal. And no, they are not fly-by-night-mine is through my bank. For example, my account was set up that way. I told them up front that I would be keying in orders from my internet site (80%) and swiping cards (20%) on my terminal. They will only drop you if you do not declare up front exactly what your intentions are. However, the key padded internet orders are charged a higher fee. And according to my merchant account, I MUST keep the CVV and CVV2 numbers for a minimum of 120 days in case of chargeback. This is for evidence that I accepted the card and the CVV2 number and it came back on the terminal as correct. This is why on this forum you should NEVER give generalities or what you think is true based on your experience on subjects of this nature. Stick to helping these individuals with their technical needs.

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  • 2 years later...

This is actually incorrect. There are merchant account providers who allow you to input credit card orders into a terminal. And no, they are not fly-by-night-mine is through my bank. For example, my account was set up that way. I told them up front that I would be keying in orders from my internet site (80%) and swiping cards (20%) on my terminal. They will only drop you if you do not declare up front exactly what your intentions are. However, the key padded internet orders are charged a higher fee. And according to my merchant account, I MUST keep the CVV and CVV2 numbers for a minimum of 120 days in case of chargeback. This is for evidence that I accepted the card and the CVV2 number and it came back on the terminal as correct. This is why on this forum you should NEVER give generalities or what you think is true based on your experience on subjects of this nature. Stick to helping these individuals with their technical needs.



Actually, I want to store the cvv2 in my oders table and later on I can delete it. But this contribution doesn't (Credit Card with CVV2 Version v2_1_2_3) store cvv unless it is encrypted.

Is there a way to set up like that.. just store raw cvv2 in the orders table without encrypting??

Please help..

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