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Where Is The Invoice Logo Oscommerce Located?


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I noticed that the black line separator is not showing on the email invoice, in the admin panel invoice, everything is OK.


The code in /admin/invoice.php is the same as in emal_invoice/templates/invoice.php


Anybody a solution????


In the source of the invoice in the admin this line showes: <td colspan="2"><img src="images/pixel_black.gif" border="0" alt="" width="100%" height="1"></td>

In the source of the email this in shown: http://www.myshop.nl/catalog/images/pixel_black.gif


The email invoice only shows a black dot instead of a black line!


What went wrong?


Best regards,



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I am very new to this but seem to be catching on. The little things is what I am missing the most. Like, I have been sitting here for two hours trying to change the logo osCommerce on the customer invoice and packslip. Does anyone know what pages to change this.

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