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How Do You Merge A File?


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I am very much a newbie; just installed osCommerce this weekend. In order to get my store the way I want, I've been adding contributions to my installation. But one of the contributions I want to do says that rather than save over the existing files, I should MERGE the new file with the old. How do I do that?


Help! Thanks.

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I am very much a newbie; just installed osCommerce this weekend. In order to get my store the way I want, I've been adding contributions to my installation. But one of the contributions I want to do says that rather than save over the existing files, I should MERGE the new file with the old. How do I do that?


Help! Thanks.

Use a file comparison tool such as Beyond Compare or WinMerge. These programs will highlight the differences in the code and allow you to merge the differences into one file that you could then upload to your shops files.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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if a fersh file(file not modified) then just replace it.

Else do a comparision useing winmerge.


Once You get the blocks with difference then You need to analyse if the logical flow will not get hampered and add the code.




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