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Warning In Configuration File


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can anyone help, i have installed with no problems, and have chmod changes to the following:




but keeps coming up with this error.


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file:hiddenhost/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


its driving me MAD!


Any Ideas?



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tryed chmod to 444 and that dont work either


if you check the permission on the store/includes/config.php file and it allows write to anyone (even user) then the error will show up ...You need to get rid of this before you continue... and as everyone says here ...If you can not change the permission of that file then you need to get your server host to...



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chmod is an Apache server specific command. It won't work on Windows servers at all. And on some versions or installs of cPanel you can inrease permissions using chmod and ftp but you can only decrease them using the File Manager in cPanel. If 644 and 444 hasn't worked then try 400.



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