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The e-commerce.

Going From Not Ssl To Ssl


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i have installed osCommerce about 6 month ago on a non secure server,

i just bought a SSL certificate, and i want to move my ecommerce to it...


what are the procedure or what are the files i need to copy from /httpdocs/ (not secure) to my /httpsdocs/ directory (secure) ?


I know I have to change de path of the SSL in the config.php but without files in the secure directory it's juste giving me errors. I didnt find a liste of the files needed on the secure directory anywhere


thank for helping me.



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If your host is running the two directories separately then you should make both to be complete copies. It is not necessary but will avoid possible problems later on. Running the two directories is an easy way out for the host. They should setup a symlink between the two so you don't have to worry about it. But short of that, you will have to keep duplicate directories.



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