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Help On Combine Contribs


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I am ussing one contrib and want to use another one but need to compare files ocodingly to the instructions. When I compare them using WinMerge and find where they differ, how do I know how to combined them correctly so thay both conbritb work correctly?



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No one can really answer that, without knowing the code you need to merge. If the code is contained within a table cell, you can usually add it as another, if it is part of a query, you can usually add to the existing one.


I would say keep a backup of the original (WinMerge should do that for you) and jump in. You can always reinstate the original if it doesn't work.


If you are stuck, post the code and maybe someone can help you.

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any contrib has some logical code blocks.


If there are two contribs that needs to be merged then YOu need to know what logic each block of code has and merge so that the logic of code is maintained.

This needs some PHP knowledge else Paste the code here or just place the url and version from where YOu got the contribs.



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any contrib has some logical code blocks.


If there are two contribs that needs to be merged then YOu need to know what logic each block of code has and merge so that the logic of code is maintained.

This needs some PHP knowledge else Paste the code here or just place the url and version from where YOu got the contribs.





I have it working correctly with the Delivery Date contrib and want to merge the discount code. I am using the lastest version of each one. I can get each one working on their own but want to merge them together. Any help would be great.



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