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Larger Product Images - Contribution, Do You Know?


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Larger Product Images - contribution, Do you know?


I have installed a contribution that concentrated on the mysql data adding an option to enlarge product images. Can any1 remember the contribution?


thank you

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How do you mean "enlarge"? In the product info or the actual large image pop-up? Or something else?



enlarge withing the product description. not the pop up. It where you edit and add 2 tables in phpmyadmin. i have copied it from my other site but it doesnt implement the settings

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I'm sorry, I still don't understand what you want to do. If you mean you want the product image in the product description larger, you only need to go into your Admin>Configuration>Images and set the Small Image Width and Small Image Height greater than it is now. You don't need to do anything in phpmyadmin.

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I'm sorry, I still don't understand what you want to do. If you mean you want the product image in the product description larger, you only need to go into your Admin>Configuration>Images and set the Small Image Width and Small Image Height greater than it is now. You don't need to do anything in phpmyadmin.



yeh but doing that affects the category listing aswell. have a look at http://www.sketchbagz.co.uk and you will see what i mean.

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Ah, I understand.


A simple way and the way I do it. Open up product_info.php in a text editor and look for this code:




Edit it so it is now like this:




That is using the Multiply Operator and doubling the small image width and height. You can use the Plus Operator + if you want, to add an amount of pixels to it, if you don't need it doubled. e.g.




NOTE: There are 2 instances of SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, so make the same change to both.

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