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Can't Upload Excel File For Ep


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I hope someone can help me. I recently had Easy Populate installed but can't upload my product sheets. I can download a product sheet to my pc, but when I try to upload this same file (I manually created a few products then downloaded this file, then immediately uploaded to site to see if EP was working correctly) I get the following error:


The resource cannot be displayed

The resource you are looking for cannot be opened by your browser.




Please try the following:


Click the Back button to try another link.

Click Search to look for information on the Internet.





HTTP Error 406 - Not acceptable

Internet Explorer


Has anyone ever run across this before? I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but my permissions are set to 644.

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I am having trouble with a website that was working perfectly fine until now.

I'm getting a 406 error when I try to update information in my admin in the Links Manager module.



I am going to sumit a ticket into my server. Perhaps you should too? Cause it does not look like anyone knows about 406 errors.




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