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Fatal Error: Register_globals Is Disabled In Php.ini, Please Enable It!


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Yeah, I followed the instructions in the blog and uploaded a php.ini file (yes, I made sure it was .ini and NOT .ini.txt) to the catalog folder and I still get the fatal error message just like the person before me. Any further help would be appreciated.





Never mind, I found it... for those using PHP4 (not 3), go into your catalog folder and located the .htaccess file. Open that file in Edit mode and uncomment out (remove the # symbol) the line #php_value register_globals 1. While you're at it, you may want to uncomment out the line above it: php_value session.use_trans_sid 0 though I'm not sure what it does yet.


Uncommenting out the line about the register_globals gets me into the installation section. Now to see if I can get all the way through without any further problems! :)



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four ways to get thru.

1)As You did in htaccess.

2)Can place a php.ini file and set register globals to on.

3)Apply VGER register global patch.

4)replace all HTTP_****_VARS with $_****





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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Never mind, I found it... for those using PHP4 (not 3), go into your catalog folder and located the .htaccess file. Open that file in Edit mode and uncomment out (remove the # symbol) the line #php_value register_globals 1. While you're at it, you may want to uncomment out the line above it: php_value session.use_trans_sid 0 though I'm not sure what it does yet.


Uncommenting out the line about the register_globals gets me into the installation section. Now to see if I can get all the way through without any further problems! :)





Thanks a lot for this tips! It works for me, after i tried all other solutions!

Thanks again!

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  • 10 months later...
Never mind, I found it... for those using PHP4 (not 3), go into your catalog folder and located the .htaccess file. Open that file in Edit mode and uncomment out (remove the # symbol) the line #php_value register_globals 1. While you're at it, you may want to uncomment out the line above it: php_value session.use_trans_sid 0 though I'm not sure what it does yet.


Uncommenting out the line about the register_globals gets me into the installation section. Now to see if I can get all the way through without any further problems! :)




Hi, i followed your procedure, but doesnt work for me. The error were still there.

By the way, what is uncomment and how to do it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, i followed your procedure, but doesnt work for me. The error were still there.

By the way, what is uncomment and how to do it?


What they mean by "uncomment" is deleting the "#" in front of php_value register_globals 1



# php_value register_globals 1


php_value register_globals 1


A "comment" is something that appears in the code, but isn't read by the program that's using the code. So if something is commented then the program skips over it as if that line didn't exist. In this case they use the comment ability to turn off part of the coding. It's also used for denoting certain things for the programmers working on the code, like...


# this function turns the switch on or off, 1 for on, 0 for off

example_function_switch = 1


If the "#" were not in there in the first line, the program would try to read "this function turns the switch on or off, 1 for one, 0 for off" as if it were actual code, and it would mess up the program. The next line doesn't have the "#" in front of it so the program will read that as code, as it should.


And that's about all I know about programming lol. So delete that and see if it works.

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Note that in some systems, .htaccess does not always allow "php_value" entries. Those have to go into a "php.ini" file (with a different syntax). Some systems, furthermore, require an entry in .htaccess to tell the server where to find php.ini. You need to talk with your hosting service to see what's required.

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  • 2 years later...

Never mind, I found it... for those using PHP4 (not 3), go into your catalog folder and located the .htaccess file. Open that file in Edit mode and uncomment out (remove the # symbol) the line #php_value register_globals 1. While you're at it, you may want to uncomment out the line above it: php_value session.use_trans_sid 0 though I'm not sure what it does yet.


Uncommenting out the line about the register_globals gets me into the installation section. Now to see if I can get all the way through without any further problems! :)



legend.. worked like a CHARM!!!

now to install :D

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