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Easy Copy / Paste


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I am on a tight schedule (who isn't in web design), and need to get a cart up ASAP. I am trying to copy/paste much of the template catalog into an already designed site.


Is there a way to start with an empty catalog rather than using the downloaded one? Much of the functionality is not needed.


Some of the DEFINE'd variables are not working, but I believe I included all the includes.


If anyone has cut most of the code into their own site, do you have any pointers?



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Thank you. I also decided to use the 2.2CVS rather than the 2.1 release. It is much better so far. I hope all goes well. I also wasn't sure if GoDaddy's merchant account would work, but it appears to be Plug-n-Pay, and there is a contribution for that, so I hope it works.


Thanks again!

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  • 6 months later...

hi we are also using plug-n-pay, has anyone found a fix for this?


I have been told by Plug-n-Pay that they are aware of the problem and that OSC 2.1 works fine, but the milestone 2.2 is not


they suggested that we reinstall 2.1 - but I find that to be an acceptable solution.


Any ideas.?????

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