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Search Friendly Url And Windows Iis Server

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Hi @ll


I searched now a long time for a Search Friendly URL constrib wich support Windows/IIS Isapi_rewrite but i have nothing found! I am slowly to despair! Please help me! thanks!



cName & pName

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Thank you, but that's not what i'm looking for. Cause most of searchengines stops by spidering a website when they found a ? in the URL, so i search a constrib with Rewrite Rule wich modify for example:





This should be nevertheless possible!

I tried self to make a Rewrite Rule, but my problem was that I could no more add products to the shopping cart and i don't know why. The navigation self works!

So far I came:




# Defend your computer from some worm attacks

RewriteRule .*(?:global.asa|default\.ida|root\.exe|\.\.).* . [F,I,O]


RewriteRule (.*admin/.*)$ $1 [L]


RewriteRule ^/shop/(.*)/index.php/cPath/(.*) /shop/index.php\?cPath=$2 [L]

RewriteRule ^/shop/(.*)/(.*)/index.php/cPath/(.*) /shop/index.php\?cPath=$3&test=$4 [L]

RewriteRule ^/shop/(.*)/product_info.php/products_id/(.*) /shop/product_info.php\?products_id=$2&test=$2 [L]

RewriteRule ^/shop/product_info.php/products_id/(.*) /shop/product_info.php\?products_id=$1[L]

RewriteRule ^/shop/(.*)/(.*)/product_info.php/cPath/(.*)/products_id/(.*) /shop/product_info.php\?cPath=$3&products_id=$4[L]

RewriteRule ^/shop/(.*)/(.*)/product_info.php/action/(.*)/ /shop/product_info.php\?action=$3 [L]



Can someone help? Do knows a way to make the right rules? Or a Constrib wich included all this?

Thank for all help!

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well ok you have a plugin for IIS to simulate apache now isnt' it? I mean it's not good at all, but anyways having it you can use the existing seo url contributions. Have you checked them yet?



Cause most of searchengines stops by spidering a website when they found a ? in the URL, so i search a constrib with Rewrite Rule wich modify for example:

where did you read that? Do you know the search engine internals?


Why don't you check it out?


looks to me they're fully indexed with all kinds of parameters.

Edited by enigma1
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Thank you, but that's not what i'm looking for. Cause most of searchengines stops by spidering a website when they found a ? in the URL, so i search a constrib with Rewrite Rule wich modify for example:


That is outdated info from several years ago. None of the major search engines today stops or have any problems with spidering/indexing pages with ? in the url.

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Thank you for your replys!


well ok you have a plugin for IIS to simulate apache now isnt' it?


No I don't have a plugin and i can't run a plugin on my server, cause i just rent a space on it.


That is outdated info from several years ago. None of the major search engines today stops or have any problems with spidering/indexing pages with ? in the url.


I read that on many site, but unfortunatly there was nowhere an issue date.

So I investigated now and found this:




So you're right!

Thanks alot!


Do you know good constribs to configure the shop searchengine friendly?

On wich one I must specialy look for?

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