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The e-commerce.

Remove "buy Now" Button.


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Hi everyone. Thank you osCommerce for a great product.


I have installed and setup osCommerce for a website I am developing.


I intend to use this as an online catalogue, without the shopping features.


Thusfar I have managed to remove all the shopping features barring the "Buy Now" link that appears when a user selects a category, and the products are displayed.


I have no subcategories on my site. So when a user clicks on a category they are taken straight to the products listed under that category. However, this page displays the "Buy Now" link, which I do not want displayed.


I have followed the link, and notice that it takes you to: index.php?cPath=77 , this would indicate that the page to edit is Index.php, however I cannot find where the "Buy Now" link is being displayed from. This has led me to understand that this page is including another page within the index.php page.


Does anyone know which page is being included, and how I can remove the "Buy Now" link form there.


Your responses will be much appreciated.


Kind Regards



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