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Site_search Contribution


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I'm trying to install site_search contribution,but I'm using STS and I didn't undestand what shoul I do about

the 5th instalation step:


Place the following wherever you want the search form to appear (you may not need the

table fields). Note that the above may not work if you are using STS. In that case,

a search box will need to be installed.




<form name="site search" action="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_SITE_SEARCH, '', 'SSL'); ?>" method="get">

Search <input type="hidden" name="osCsid" value="" />

<input type="text" name="keywords" value="Type word(s) and press enter" onFocus="form.keywords.value='';" size="

27" maxlength="35" style="" >

<input type="hidden" name="osCsid" value="">







Does it means this contribution and STS can't work together??

I'll appreciate any help

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There shouldn't be any reason why they won't work together. The problem it is referring to, as I recall, is getting it to display properly. But STS has changed significantly since that was written so you should just try it.



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There shouldn't be any reason why they won't work together. The problem it is referring to, as I recall, is getting it to display properly. But STS has changed significantly since that was written so you should just try it.



Thanks Jack,

I tried it,it shown but not searching...

when i'm doing a search it goes back to the index.

What did i do wrong?

you can see it here:


Thank you...

Edited by sefimor
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There's no way to tell what is wrong from looking at the site. But you might try turning STS off and testing it. If it works, then the problem is with how it is working with STS.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Jack,


I thought your Google position contribution looked useful for store optimisation etc, but it appears to be a little out of date...


With reference to google_position.php

I have a feeling google don't use the same HTML code that the function searches for (the if(eregi("<font color=#008000>(.*)</font><nobr>",$var,$out)) bit, line 85). I told your page to echo the filename, checked the website source that comes up when it uses it, and found that the URLs are surrounded by <cite> tags instead of a colour code, with styles in the header. But changing eregi term to <cite>(.*)</cite> didn't seem to help.


I used a variable, moved it around etc to try and debug and found the exact point in the code where the (first of hopefully 1) problem occurs, but I don't know what to do past here.


Do you have a working version of the contribution anywhere?


From my debugging, I've concluded that it's either a problem with eregi (line 85) or $var (which would cause eregi not to work).

Here are lines 78-96 of google_position.php, with a few of my debugging comments:


      // Now load the file into a variable line at a time
 			while (!feof($file))
 				$var = fgets($file, 1024);
//WORKS TO HERE ($found123 returned at end of page as 1)
         // Try and find the font tag google uses to show the site URL
 //CHANGE NEEDED? - google no longer displays font tag in the previous format
 				if(eregi("<font color=#008000>(.*)</font><nobr>",$var,$out))
//ERROR OCCURS HERE - variable $found123 (set to 0 at start of page) is not returned as 1 at end of page if set to 1 here.

           // If we find it take out any <B> </B> tags - google does
           // highlight search terms within URLS

 				//	$out[1] = strtolower(strip_tags($out[1]));

          // Get the domain name by looking for the first /

 					$x = strpos($out[1],"/");

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Regarding the Site Search contribution, it has been replaced by the Site Search Plus contribution.


Regardig the Google Position contribuiton, it has been replaced by the SEO Assistant contribution.


See My Addons for links to both.



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Regarding the Site Search contribution, it has been replaced by the Site Search Plus contribution.


Regardig the Google Position contribuiton, it has been replaced by the SEO Assistant contribution.


See My Addons for links to both.




Oh... now I feel foolish. Never mind, it helped me learn php!



osCommerce is GREAT. When it works...

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