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Upgrade From 1.4 To 2.2 Address Book Problem


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Earlier in the year our webguy upgraded our osc shop version to 2.2 from 1.4

Subsequently we've discovered that most of our customer database address records are blank, and the orders that we're getting from these customers are coming through blank, no billing or shipping addresses. Also their profiles are missing pretty much everything but their email addresses.


As far as I know we still have the old version database. Is there a contrib or solution to updating the customer records via sql etc to remedy this, short of emailing all of the affected customers and asking them to re-enter their details?


Thanks for your time (I'm new to osc and not a database expert)


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No, there's not. There is a thread, or two, on the forums regarding attempts at converting the tables though. I suggest searching the forums using google for "convert address book" or something similar to find them. I don't recall a solution being posted but enoguh details might be there to get you started.



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