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Adding More Than 1 Product Causes Problems


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I can have one product and numerous manufacturers and the site works fine.

Once I add a 2nd product, either alone or in a category, the site starts to act up.

I tried deleting all, adding with different graphics and values (in case those were a problem)

Once I delete the 2nd product, the site functions properly again.

The new products do not show up in the catalog, under manufacturer or search. However, it does exist in the admin panel.

The catalog page only shows properly about 1 out of 7 times.

Also sections of the left column randomly do not show up (privacy, contact us...)

Nothing comes up under new products for month (although the 1st product did until I added the 2nd)

Even the original product does not always show up under its manufacturer search.

I have left the site with the additional product to show the errors.

The site is http://www.eclipseyourcar.com/osc


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