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Manufacturer Description Field

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I have installed the Category description contrib. on a fresh OSC installation (along with register_globals patch and STS_template) and am looking for a contrib, that gives a description field for the manufacturer as well.


Is there one, I have searched and not found anything (but I could miss it through the many pages of search results).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi There,


I'm also looking for the same thing. I've successfully added the Category Descriptions V 1.0 mod which works well. I've even tried hacking this to create a version for the Manufacturers, but with no success.

If anyone out there has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.






Edited by drumcentral


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Hi there.

Thanks for the link.

I've installed the Additional Info v1.2 module and edited my existing files.

I also added the MYSQL table.

All seems to be okay; the link is there in Admin which opens a new page ( Additional Description Manager ) with the drop-down menu.


However, when I select any of the drop-down items and click the 'Submit' button, I get an error page.


The address shown in the browser bar is: http://admin/additional_description.php

Normally any address in my admin section would have something like: http://www.mysite.co.uk//admin/manufacturers.php


I've re-checked all my edits, and all file permissions, but can't spot anything. Does anyone have any ideas about what I need to change to make this work?


Many Thanks


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I installed the module I mentioned before, so far I don't have the problem you mentioned. The installation manual is out of date, but I followed in this case the exact steps. You mentioned that your addresses look like http://www.mysite.co.uk//admin/manufacturers.php, if so, there is one slash too much before admin, maybe the problem resides in here...

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