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Pwa Email Link In Order Email


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I currently use the PWA contribution. I have searched the forums thoroughly trying to determine if anyone has a solution for removing the link to account history in order emails generated by a guest customer. I know there is a solution out there as I have come across the dialogue in the different forums. However, I haven't been able to piece together the complete solution. Any ideas?

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Yes, it is incredably easy as i did it a few weeks back. It is one file you have to edit and just remove one line if you are using the standard text emails. I cant remember which it is off the top of my head i will have a look and post again.

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No need to piece together more than one thing since it is all in one file: checkout_process.php. Dont know which version pwa you are using, but I remember at least one version of pwa does have this implemeted already. I dont believe it is only one line you need to change if you are also allowing registered customers to order. Just search that file for that aprt of code handling sending out order emails (sorry I haven't got the file at hand), add a condition to detect if it is pwa customers or not, then compose the email content accordingly (at this point yes there may be only one line difference).




I currently use the PWA contribution. I have searched the forums thoroughly trying to determine if anyone has a solution for removing the link to account history in order emails generated by a guest customer. I know there is a solution out there as I have come across the dialogue in the different forums. However, I haven't been able to piece together the complete solution. Any ideas?
Edited by GemRock

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