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The e-commerce.

Oscommerce Phpmailer / Php.ini Problem


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Hi everyone!


I got a problem with osCommerce. I got the app running fine on my local machine (a intel based iMac on OSX 10.4.9, apache 2, php 5). On our production server (PowerMac G5, OSX server 10.4.9, apache 1.3, php5) i couldn't get osCommerce running, every page was blank. After seaching i found that the problem is phpMailer. I include the phpMailer path in my php.ini:


include_path = "/WebServer/Documents/_functions_/phpmailer"


After i disabled this line and restarted apache osCommerce runs fine, without any problems. I'm using phpMailer for sendings news and forms to clients. I don't like the default mailer in OSX (sendmail), because it sends email locally instead of a external smtp server. That's why i can't miss phpMailer. Is there any way to get them both to work?


The error message:


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/configure.php' (include_path='/WebServer/Documents/_functions_/phpmailer') in /WebServer/Documents/projektvloeren.nl/oscommerce/catalog/includes/application_top.php on line 29


On lvl 29 in application_top.php:


// include server parameters


That's the normal config file with database settings etc.


Anyone has any idea?




Wouter van Wijngaarden

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