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Search In Description


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I was wondering if it is somehow possible to set the regular search to always look through description instead of having to go to advanced > click "search description".

My descriptions include printer models and this would make it much easier for customers to find their model.


Thanks in advance for help!

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I was wondering if it is somehow possible to set the regular search to always look through description instead of having to go to advanced > click "search description".

My descriptions include printer models and this would make it much easier for customers to find their model.


Thanks in advance for help!




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I catalog/advanced_search.php find this line of code

  $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'right', 'text' => tep_draw_checkbox_field('search_in_description', '1') . ' ' . TEXT_SEARCH_IN_DESCRIPTION);

and change like this

  $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'right', 'text' => tep_draw_checkbox_field('search_in_description', '1','true') . ' ' . TEXT_SEARCH_IN_DESCRIPTION);

Even though you are not editing the search box, it uses this file to perform the search; and this edit will make searching in description the default.

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Even though you are not editing the search box, it uses this file to perform the search; and this edit will make searching in description the default.


Exactly what I need!

I'll go change it right away.


Many thanks!


Btw: Anyone know if there's a way to "steal" the Featured products code to a php page that is not part of the shop?

But in such a way, that if I change the FP in admin, it will also change in the external page.

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you cant access a php file if it's on a different server to the file trying to access it.

If it's on the same server then you should be able to do it. I'm sure someone will know how

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you cant access a php file if it's on a different server to the file trying to access it.

If it's on the same server then you should be able to do it. I'm sure someone will know how


Yea, it's on the same server, just a different subdirectory.

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This contribution is awesome! Thanks for the reccomendation.

Having one problem though: on index.php the first catoegory is "TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES" instead of "All categories" and min max price are ENTRY_PRICE... but once I use the search, it's ok. Im using a different language version btw.

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