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The e-commerce.

Roll Over Links


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I am not a fanstatic php programer and need a little bit of help please.


i have downloaded the newest version and installed it and got it all working now thats a feat for me :)


What i realy like to do is the when the mouse goes over the menu on the left they turn red when the mouse goes over the link and when a visitor clicks they turn blue so they know where they have been and what link they are going to click.


I am not a tec minded so if anyone please tell me what to edit and what to change in simple terms i would be very happy.

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i have changed in the css


A:hover {

color: #AABBDD;

text-decoration: underline;



to a new colour but it wont show in the website ? but its the menu links i like to change to a different colour when the mouse rolls over them.

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you need to identify what the css class for your menu is first. Then you can apply the hover effect you want. So if you had


'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=' . (int)$temp_category) . '" class="someMenuClass">' . $temp_category_name . '</a>';


Then for hover in the stylesheet file:


A.someMenuClass:hover {
 color: #0000FF;
 background: #FFFF33;


so check the menu file (maybe the categories.php don't know what customizations you got).

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