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Advanced Search Functionality


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I want to know if there is a way to create a more advanced search feature in my store. From my amazing powers of deduction I have realised that keyword searches will return products that contain the keyword in the product name only. I would like to see if I can broaden this search feature to include searching the category names and product descriptions for the keyword(s). Is this possible? and if so does anyone know how to do it?


Thanks in advance.

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Yes you can


There are various ajax powered search tools available including fulltext and boolean searches which can also MATCH and score for relevance.


I just modified an old 2005 contributed script and added the fulltext function to the relevant tables and fields,


then added in the match and relevance lines as well as products_description so that the content would be searched.

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Yes you can


There are various ajax powered search tools available including fulltext and boolean searches which can also MATCH and score for relevance.


I just modified an old 2005 contributed script and added the fulltext function to the relevant tables and fields,


then added in the match and relevance lines as well as products_description so that the content would be searched.


This sounds like what Im after. Is this a contribution you are referring to? If so what is the name of it?



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