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Please, Please Help...


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I've been through about every post dealing with Dynamic Mopics, both on this & Oscmax's forums, and still cannot seem to solve my problem.

I have installed Oscmax, and then applied a template to the installation. Everything looks fine, but I cannot seem to get Dynampic MP to work.


My settings in admin are:


Big Image Types - JPG, jpg, jpeg, bmp

Thumbnail Image Types - JPG, jpg, jpeg, bmp

Big Images Directory - images_big/

Thumbnail Images Directory - thumbs/

Main Thumbnail in Thumbnail Images Directory - false

Extra Image Pattern - imagebase_{1}


I have FTP'd my big images into the images_big folder. No extra images yet, as for now, I just want the pop-up to show larger images of my products.


I have also replaced my template's product_info.tpl ; popup.tpl & product_info.tpl files with that of OScmax's Fallback & AABox's files, in order to try and solve my problem.


Some of my products do now show the "click to enlarge" link, but when you click, nothing happens.


I would really like to get this contribution to work, as I get a lot of complaints from clients because of this. I also do not want to convert it back to the original Osc pop-up, because of bandwidth reasons on my clients' side.


Please, if there's anybody out there willing to help, I will be very grateful. My url is: here.





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