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Need Someone For Small Work On My Site Asap


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I must launch a website for someone in the next few hours but still have one problem with tax config.


If anyone can help me , contact me here.


We can use MSN / Yahoo after.



Thx alot!




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If you are having issues with tax. Please refer to the documentation.pdf that can be downloaded with the whole osCommerce package. So many common question found here are already answered in there.


Go to Admin, Configuartion, Locations and Taxes. Open every aspect and make sure that if someone from your State orders, that you are collecting sales tax on the product.


Inside each product listing, choose Tax Class and select Taxable goods.


Pretend to buy something with visa # 4111111111111111 and use any exp after this month. See if your taxing works.


Send me a PM if you need more help.

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I fixed my first problem ( tax config )


My last one is the taxes are not added in the Total.

But rest is ok and calculations are ok.

Thx for help


Fremen to fix you total with you tax in it go to as follows:


Admin>Modules>Order Total these are my settings.


Low ordering : NONE, Nothing

Shipping: 3

Sub-Total: 1

Tax: 2

Total: 4


You can re-arrange your setting anyway you like


I hope this info is quite helpful

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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This was already correct.


Low ordering : NONE, Nothing

Sub-Total: 1

Tax: 2

Total: 3


I dont charge for shipping.



Now, its seems to work, but now i have another problem... geez..



Let me explain....



I have a Banner at 90.00 in my catalog. Now I see it in my store online at 115.62. Like taxes were already added. This is happening when I dont select Tax class in the menu for that Item.


If I applied my Tax Class, the price change....


Whats wrong.....







Fremen to fix you total with you tax in it go to as follows:


Admin>Modules>Order Total these are my settings.


Low ordering : NONE, Nothing

Shipping: 3

Sub-Total: 1

Tax: 2

Total: 4


You can re-arrange your setting anyway you like


I hope this info is quite helpful

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tax can be configured thru Admin.\



YOu need to add Zones.

Tax class


Map zones to country plus zones define tax class and apply class to products.




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This was already correct.


Low ordering : NONE, Nothing

Sub-Total: 1

Tax: 2

Total: 3


I dont charge for shipping.

Now, its seems to work, but now i have another problem... geez..

Let me explain....

I have a Banner at 90.00 in my catalog. Now I see it in my store online at 115.62. Like taxes were already added. This is happening when I dont select Tax class in the menu for that Item.


If I applied my Tax Class, the price change....



Whats wrong.....


What is your website address?

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Tax is getting added and prices are displayed inclusive of taxes.




Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

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Ok, i'll maybe look like I noob, and I dont mind..


But im lost here.



I set up my taxes.


6% to All provinces in Canada

7.5% for Quebec.


I called my Tax Class: Taxes


When I go in my Catalog.



Tax class: None

Products Price (Net): 125.00

Products Price (Gross): 125.00


If I look in my store for that product... its at 160.58


Not good, anyways, I continue...


Item listed at 160.58


Sub-Total: $160.58

6% GST + 7.5% PST + 6% GST + 7.5% PST: $35.58

Total: $160.58



And now proceed to Paypal.


See my problem??


Thats IF I dont select Tax Class.





NOW, if I select Tax Class...



Tax class: Taxes

Products Price (Net): 125.00

Products Price (Gross): 141.875


If I look in my store for that product... its at 142.44


Not good, anyways, I continue...


Item listed at 142.00


Sub-Total: $142.44

6% GST + 7.5% PST: $17.44

Total: $142.44






I want to see the same price in my catalog and store. Not with the taxes already added..


In store I should see 125.00


and checkout..


Item listed at 125.00


Sub-Total: $125.00

6% GST + 7.5% PST: $17.44

Total: $142.44



Anyone can help / explain me...








Tax is getting added and prices are displayed inclusive of taxes.


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I had a problem that stumped me last week and contacted someone I found online who specilizes in OSC. She got my problem fixed within an hour, and I though her charges were very reasonable. If you want her info PM me and I will send it to you.

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