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The e-commerce.

Oh, It's So Very Broken


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Afternoon all,


I've just tried to install OSCommerce, and I'm already running across a few errors. First off, I just got a blank page from www.yourserver.com/catalog/install etc.


This was fixed by using Vger's Register Global Patch Files, but now I've got another doozie. Something appears on the install page, but the graphics are all corrupted. However, you can choose 'New Install', so I clicked on it to see if it would tidy itself up, but on the next page, I get the following;


New Installation


Please customize the new installation with the following options:


Import Catalog Database:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function osc_draw_checkbox_field() in D:\inetpub\vhosts\lasc.co.uk\httpdocs\catalog\install\templates\pages\install.php on line 24


And that's your lot. I've tried changing the PHP version from 4.4.3 to 5.2.0 and back again, but no help. The only other thing I can change easily via PLESK is running it as an ISAPI extension or not - would this cause problems?



Thanks for putting up with what will undoubtedly be an obvious noobie problem :)



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Appears not all files had been uploaded.

If so You need to focus on t=your configure.php file.



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