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"checkout" Page Not Found - Help


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After items are added to cart and 'checkout' is selected, the page is not found. Also, when the 'my account' link is clicked, page not found.




thats a link to one of the products so you can see what I mean.


Its been like that since it was installed.


Can someone help me?

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I was just about to post this same issue I'm having. Anything in reference to going to SSL gives that 404 message. I do know if you go into admin/includes/configure.php



you make sure your locations are correct for the https. I did and tried changing a couple different way, adding the www. and taking it away, but still gives me the errors.


And sorry not trying to steal your post, lol. Trying to help as well and get answers! :thumbsup:

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If one or both of you could post the relevant parts of your config files, this would be a lot easier to diagnose. Problems like this aren't solveable by us guessing what's in your files. Make sure to leave the password parts out!

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Ask your host to make a symlink between httpdocs and httpsdocs.


If they do you will only have to have all files in httpdocs and the non-SSL and SSL parts will work seamlessly.


If they can't or won't do it you are stuck with having a copy of httpdocs within httpsdocs where you always have to make sure the files in both directories are synchronized.

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