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"checkout" Page Not Found - Help


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After items are added to cart and 'checkout' is selected, the page is not found. Also, when the 'my account' link is clicked, page not found.




thats a link to one of the products so you can see what I mean.


Its been like that since it was installed.


Can someone help me?

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In your config files are https locations - are all these set right? Do you have "use SSL" set to true?


Your 'missing' pages are all secure pages that begin https:// instead of http:// ergo the issue is with that setup. Try searching the documentation on oscommerce.info also.

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I see what you mean, and I checked my configure.php for both admin and display. Here is what my admin line was for SSL:


define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://urban-anthem.com');

define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'true'); // secure webserver for catalog module


and here is what I found for the rest of the site:


define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://urban-anthem.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?


This obviously isn't right. Where could I find what address I need to put in there?

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SSL problems give me a headache :D


Those entries actually look right to me - because the configure pages are permission protected, are you absolutely sure that that is the version that is live on the server? Sometimes you can upload something to a protected location and it's not clear that it didn't upload. At this point I'd try your host's support to make sure the cert has been set up right, because I can't find any info on it that identifies a cert is issued for your domain. When I visit https://urban-anthem.com I get the apache info page for your host.

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SSL problems give me a headache :D


Those entries actually look right to me - because the configure pages are permission protected, are you absolutely sure that that is the version that is live on the server? Sometimes you can upload something to a protected location and it's not clear that it didn't upload. At this point I'd try your host's support to make sure the cert has been set up right, because I can't find any info on it that identifies a cert is issued for your domain. When I visit https://urban-anthem.com I get the apache info page for your host.



Yes, apparently it was a hosting problem. They offered free SSL but you need to purchase a dedicated IP before they can set it up. I did that and am waiting on then. Once they set it up (assuming at https://urban-anthem.com) should it just all work?

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It should, yes. Honestly OSC's secure stuff is so hands-free-easy that things like this often come down to the hosts screwing it up. When I set mine up I requested it on a subdomain but they put it on the root, and I had to go through all this nonsense myself.

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It should, yes. Honestly OSC's secure stuff is so hands-free-easy that things like this often come down to the hosts screwing it up. When I set mine up I requested it on a subdomain but they put it on the root, and I had to go through all this nonsense myself.



Do you think I should have them set it up on "https://urban-anthem.com" or on a subdomain?

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