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Really Dumb Noobie Question About H1 Tags.


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I recently read that h1 tags were important for SEO. I recently installed cdynamic metatags. Now here's the dumb question. Do I need to worry about my h1 tags if I've installed this contribution? I don't know how to check the h1 tags on my site. Ok, let me have it!


Thanks for your help, everyone!



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I believe header tags controller adds them. Many SEO forums say they are important. If you think they will help, do it. Can't hurt.

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cDynamic and Header Tags are both meta tags contributions so you can only use one of them. H1 can be used without installing Header Tags although you have to use the actual tags (<h1>), not a class (class="h1"). Although you can then declare a class for h1 to control how it displays.



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Thanks for the info Jack!


I guess my overall question is this: If I have the cdynamic metatags contribution, I don't need to worry about my h1 tags. To tell you the truth, I don't know if my h1 tags are being used or not.


My title, meta name description, and neta name keywords all fall within the "<head>" "</head>" tags. Is that all it is?


Thanks again, Jack. You truly are a huge help!



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As far as I know cDynamic doesn't use h1 tags. Actually, it doesn't do a lot for SEO, in general. If you want tags generated, then it will work (although it does the keywords tags incorrectly). But it doesn't do anything beyond that (I haven't looked at it in some time so that may be different in the later versions, although I don't think so). If you are looking to fully optimize your site for the search engines, there are a number of things you need to do. Using Header Tags should be one of the first. My opinion, of course.



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Thanks for answering Jack! Wow, I think I'm really getting confused! When I installed cdynamic metatags, I was able to manipulate my title tags, meta name description, and meta name keywords tags. When I go to the header tags controller contribution it looks like it changes basically the same info. Are you saying that cdynamic isn't good because it does so automatically, and with little control?


Thanks so much Jack!


I guess the next question would be to the meta tags really play a role in SEO at all any more?



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No, I'm not saying it is not any good. I'm saying, with the understanding that I havent looked at it lately, that it doesn't do a good job of optimizing the page. For example, one site I looked at that used it had ten keywords in the keyword tag. Now, maybe that is an option in the code and this shop owner didn't know not to do that, but if you have to manually edit it, it would seem to lose the appeal of a dynamic generator. It doesn't do many of the little things that should be done to optimize a page either. But, to be fair, it is meant to change the title and meta tags and it does that. So if it works well enough for a site, there is nothing wrong with using it. If you find yourself in the top 10 or 20 though and would like to go higher, then Header Tags could make the difference, in my opinion.


Meta tags are still used by all of the search engines. Not nearly as much as they were and not always for the purpose intended, but they are used. I've seen google actually use the keywords for what they were intended - keywords. That is nowhere near typical for google though. However, the words in that tag are counted as words used on the page and are used in the calculation of the keyword density. That's where the problem with loaded keywords meta tags come in. Having too many words in that tag throws off the KD of the page, hurting the main keywords you are trying to target.


I guess a distnction should be made between having code that allows you to handle the title and meta tags and optimizing the site for the SE's. cDynamic does the former. Header Tags does both.



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Thank you so much for your incredibly informative and concise answer. I really appreciate it!!! It looks like I may switch over to the header tags contribution as I can't seem to be making much headway in the search engine game. I need all the help I can get at this point.


Thanks Again,



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