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How To Pass Parameters To Form_action_url


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Hi to all,


i try to modify the paypal module to use it as a new payment module where i must pass parameters to the form_action_url.

The resulting url should look like this example:




where infototal is the total amount of the order and infoid is the id of the order


I tried to do it this way, but the amount and the id isn't passed to the link.


$this->form_action_url = 'https://shop.ccbank.de/weblogic/webfinanz/deutsch/startWebfinanz.jsp?haendlernummer=' . MODULE_PAYMENT_CCBANK_ID . '&kaufpreis=' . $order->info['total'] . '&warenbezeichnung=BestNr_' . $order->info['id'];


The result looks like this:




Any idea?


Best regards


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  • 1 month later...

you need to make sure that you have $order set as a global to get to the total.

function *name of function*() {
  global $order;

but there are two problems, one is that the Order ID is created later as the order is inserted into TABLE_ORDERS, to get around that you can create a temporary ordernumber

for intance:

$length = 3;
for($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) { $number .= rand(0,9);}
$myNewOrderId = time() . '-' . $customer_id . '-' . $number;

which you can store somewhere along with the order (maybe in TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY or create a new field in the order table where you store it, or an entirely new table dedicated to this module).


The second problem is that $this -> form_action_url is defined before $order->info['total'] is populated. What's make matters even worse is that the additional charges in the order totals list arent added until later in the before_proces(). And you can't run the function because that will define the classes which will cause an error once you reach checkout_process.php. So you have to make a hack for that.


But even after that, i dont know how to get the totals to calculate prior to making the form_action_url so that it can be included without editing the checkout_process.php :(

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Solved it with a hack by creating the new url with the order total value in process_button() (which is run after the $order_total_modules->process) and also included a javascript that replaces the form_action_url.


define the form_action_url something like this;

$this->form_action_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, "payment_error=". $this->code . '&message=' . urlencode(ERROR_TEXT)

and in process_button() i did something like this

 $process_button_string = tep_draw_hidden_field('mynewurl', $this -> getmyurl()); //the function getmyurl creates the new url
$process_button_string .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n";
$process_button_string .= "function mp_replace_url(){";
$process_button_string .= "document.checkout_confirmation.action = document.checkout_confirmation.mynewurl.value;\n";
$process_button_string .= "}\n";
$process_button_string .= "-->\n</script>";
$process_button_string .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n";
$process_button_string .= "mp_replace_url();\n";
$process_button_string .= "-->\n</script>";

 return $process_button_string;


it's not pretty but it works...

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