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I am completely new to OsCommerce but very much in favour of, and a user of, Open Source software. My philosphy is to use the software to make money and then be in a position to donate to the further development of the product, and I encourage others to also give when they can, to support the continuance of Open Source, and promote its use and acceptance around the world.


My Domain Host, hostiam.com, has kindly installed OsCommerce for me to use and pointed me to this forum. What can I do to get started?


I have a Web page in the making: www.warural.com.au (hosted by hostiam.com); and I wish to add online shopping to it. I can access the my ISP server, but am unsure where to start, and would be obligied if any of you can advise me or point me in the right direction for easy to understand instructions (I do have an IT degree, but sill like instructions to be simple :rolleyes:


Many thanks, James

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Reading the documentation would be a good start, if you still have questions you could search this forum for an answer. If you can't solve something you can post a question.


Thanks ... I have done as you advised, and I am in the admin setup area of OsCommerce of my domain on the ISP server, setting up my store.

The default country was USA and the default zone was Florida

I have edited the country to read "Australia", but I cannot change the zone ???


The sone is edited by means of a drop down list from a combo box, but when the country is set to Australia there drop down list is empty, and you cannot type in and entry like "Western Australia".


Is this a bug in the software or is it just that my ISP has not set up the Australian States in OsCommercewhen when he installed it in my domain? Can I set up the States myself? - or do I need to ask my ISP to do that?


Many thanks, James

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