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The e-commerce.

Page Url's


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I have just created navigation images (i.e I do not use the default navigation setup as installed) But How do I find out were the actual links are?? For instance if i create a new category called category 1, How would i find the url for it

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You can make a call to this category by specifying the category id (cPath) in the link, for example:


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT,'cPath=1') . '">' . LINK_TEXT . '</a>'; ?>

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I have just created navigation images (i.e I do not use the default navigation setup as installed) But How do I find out were the actual links are?? For instance if i create a new category called category 1, How would i find the url for it



for categories like this




cPath= the category id you see in the address bar when you add/edit a category in admin.


for products:




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